Get Your Holidays Off to a Flying Start

When you are heading off on holiday it is easy to concentrate on the things like your luggage and the paperwork and forget about other issues. However, there are some other factors you can’t afford to overlook and a few of them are related to the things you do before your plane even takes off.

Get to the Airport on Time

It might seem obvious that you need to get to the airport on time but you might be surprised at how many people turn up late in a fluster and get their trip off to the worst possible start. The first thing you need to do is work out how you are going to get the airport in the first place. You can then work out how long it will take you to get there. Don’t forget to check how early you need to check in and build in some contingency time in case of delays on the way there. The last thing you want is to be in a panic because of a relatively short delay on the motorway or on the train.

Sort Out the Parking

If you are going to drive to the airport then you need to think about the parking aspect. There is plenty of car parking at Stansted airport and at the country’s other main airports. However, it is usually cheaper and more convenient to sort this out in advance. You will find websites allowing you to book the likes of Glasgow airport parking on the internet. This will take a weight off your mind and let you concentrate on your upcoming holidays without having to worry about your car. It also means that you will have your vehicle waiting for you when you get back to the UK again.

Stay Overnight

If you live far from the place you are flying from then you might want to consider an overnight stay in a hotel near the airport. This is a particularly good option if you have an early morning flight coming up. There are good hotels near all of the UK’s main airports and regardless of whether you are looking at Birmingham, Manchester or Liverpool airport parking you will find some good options available online. If you book in advance it probably won’t be too expensive either.

Know your Limits

It is a horrible feeling when you finally get to the check in desk and get told that your bags are too heavy. This is why it is essential that you find out in plenty of time how much of a baggage limit you are allowed. Once you have this information you can set about packing in the smartest way possible. You can weigh your luggage each time until you get the weight just right. Even if you go a little over the limit a lot of airlines will wave you through. However, some of them might charge you for having excess baggage, and this charge is often pretty steep.

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